
Thursday 30 October 2014

Semi Detached Houses for Wadden

With the terraced housing underway the side of the layout where the three bed semi's will go was looking rather bare. I therefore decided to add a couple of temporary houses using the Metcalfe kit by splitting it in two. The side wall was made from thick card I had and Mecalfe brick paper. The garages and walls came from the kit and the long hedge is cheap pan scourer with a little paint added. Due to its abrasive nature only use a very old or cheap brush. The picket fence is Wills (again half a packet was of a different fence type am unlikely to use, it's like only being able to buy a DVD of the latest film in a twin pack with a film you have no interest in)  The lawns  are static grass flock and the flowers a mix of different scenic foam flocks.

The whole thing was built on a section of foam board at home and then glued sparing to the layout so it can be removed when the final buildings are scratch built.

I think it fills the space nicely and I have acquired a pre war Reilly for the drive. I will also try to get a couple of people painted for them as well.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see the process of the scratch built buildings, I can built the buildings ( out of foam board ) but have trouble with the paper coverings, I just can't get them to look real.

    Any advice you could give would be much appreciated.

